Phone: (877) 955-7001
Email: ta*@th**************.com
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Mr. Thomas opened his own practice immediately upon graduating law school in 2000 and quickly gravitated to civil litigation. For several years his practice was limited to representing Plaintiffs in varying types of civil litigation including personal injury, class actions and multi-district litigation. In January of 2008, Mr. Thomas accepted an offer to join the senior staff of the Kentucky Attorney General. Initially upon joining the office, he served as the director of the Office of Civil and Environmental Law, which was responsible for handling civil litigation on behalf of the Attorney General and the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Only two months after joining the Attorney General’s office Mr. Thomas was promoted to a position as one of two Assistant Deputy Attorneys General. In that capacity he supervised the Offices of Civil and Environmental Law, Medicaid Fraud, Consumer Protection and Rate Intervention. Mr. Thomas also handled a docket of civil litigation that included both high profile and complex litigation, defended prosecutors and judges in both federal and state courts, served as the OAG’s ethics officer and was responsible for representing prosecutors and attorneys in the OAG in disciplinary matters before the Kentucky Bar Association.
In January of 2011, Mr. Thomas returned to private practice and established Thomas Law Offices which has grown to a firm of twelve lawyers with offices in Louisville, KY; Cincinnati, OH; Columbia, MO and Chicago, IL. The firm’s attorneys are primarily focused solely on civil litigation in the areas of personal injury and business litigation. Mr. Thomas now represents clients in courtrooms, not only all across Kentucky, but in many courts across the nation.
Mr. Thomas is a frequent lecturer and has conducted seminars throughout the country on trial skills, ethics and technology, including the use of mobile technology, iPads, litigation management and trial preparation software. He is a cum laude graduate of Salmon P. Chase College of law and obtained his undergraduate degree from Georgetown College.
Thomas Law Offices, PLLC (January 2011 – Current)
Attorney in Private Practice (October 2000 – January 2008)
Practice limited to civil litigation on behalf of both individuals and businesses as Plaintiffs in a wide variety of matters including, motor vehicle and trucking accidents, medical malpractice, accounting and auditing malpractice, products liability, mass tort litigation, class actions and other serious personal injury matters.
Legal InSites, LLC (April 2016 – Current)
Legal InSites specializes in providing website development, search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing and other digital marketing for law firms across the country. A startup in early 2016, the company reached profitability in less than one year and has expanded to seven full-time employees with its primary office in Williamsport, PA.
Gavl Video, LLC (2019 – Current)
Gavl Video creates premium quality videography for the legal industry. The legal industry is one of the most competitive when it comes to online marketing. Everyone tries to be different and gain a competitive advantage. We’re here to give you that advantage.
Lawyer Minds, LLC (2020 – Current)
Lawyer Minds is an ecosystem of lawyers providing helpful content to other lawyers by way of articles, interviews and podcasts.
Assistant Deputy Attorney General
Office of the Kentucky Attorney General (April 2008-Dec. 2010)
Served as one of the Attorney General’s three most senior advisors on all matters related to the functions of the office, litigation and policy. Responsible for overseeing the operations of four divisions including the Office of Civil and Environmental Law, Office of Consumer Protection, Office of Rate Intervention and Office of Medicaid Fraud. These divisions, which consisted of more than 100 attorneys, staff and investigators, handled all civil matters and many criminal prosecutions. In addition, personally handled major litigation on behalf of the Attorney General appearing in courts across the Commonwealth, the Kentucky Court of Appeals, the Kentucky Supreme Court and a number of federal trial court and courts of appeals.
Acting Executive Director
Office of Civil and Environmental Law
Office of the Kentucky Attorney General (Jan. 2008-Aug. 2010)
Managed a team of 45 attorneys and support staff divided into six branches, including Litigation, Environmental, Boards and Agencies, Administrative Hearings, Uninsured Employers Fund and Opinions. The division was responsible for representing the Attorney General in all cases in which he was a party, representing the Commonwealth in trial and appellate courts, providing general counsel services to state boards and agencies and representing those boards and agencies in civil litigation. The division was also responsible for defending state statutes challenged on constitutional grounds, ruling on open records and open meetings appeals, issuing opinions of the Attorney General and representing the Commonwealth in litigation tied to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement.
Salmon P. Chase College of Law
Northern Kentucky University
Juris Doctorate (cum laude) 2000
Georgetown College
Georgetown, Kentucky
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, 1997
U.S. Supreme Court (2005)
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (2005)
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit (2009)
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit (2009)
U.S. District Court for the Western District of Kentucky (2000)
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky (2006)
U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Western District of Kentucky (2000)
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York (2009)
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma (2009)
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana (2010)
U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois (2019)
Commonwealth of Kentucky Trial and Appellate Courts (2000)
State of New York Trial and Appellate Courts (2008)
State of Illinois Trial and Appellate Courts (2018)
Admitted to numerous courts pro hac vice.
In Re: Just For Men® Mass Tort Litigation;
United States Southern District of Illinois
Hon. Judge David R. Herndon
In Re: Fluoroquinolone Products Liability Litigation;
United States District Court, District of Minnesota
Hon. Judge John R. Tunheim
Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Johnson and Johnson and Janssen Pharmaceuticals et al. (Risperdal Litigation);
Jefferson Circuit Court, Commonwealth of Kentucky
Hon. Judge Mitch Perry
Commonwealth of Kentucky v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. et al.
(GranuFlo Litigation)
Franklin Circuit Court, Commonwealth of Kentucky
Hon. Judge Wingate
American Association for Justice (AAJ) formerly ATLA (2000-Current)
Parliamentarian (2017-2018); Treasurer (2018-2019); Secretary (2019-2020) Vice President (2020-Current)
AAJ Board of Governors (2013–Current)
Budget Committee (2013–2015, 2018-2019)
Executive Committee (2015-Current)
National College of Advocacy Board of Trustees (2012-2016, 2020-2021); Executive Committee (2013-2016);
AAJ PAC Task Force (2016-2019)
AAJ Press Advisory Board (2012-2015)
Convention Planning Committee (2006-07, 2017-Current)
Evergreen Advisory Board (2016-2017)
Leaders Forum (2014-Current)
Affinities and Sponsorship Committee (2015-2017)
Website and IT Advisory Committee (2012-2017)
Marketing and Practice Development Committee (2012-2019)
Law Schools Committee (2007, 2013-Current)
Legal Affairs Committee (2016-Current)
Membership Oversight Committee (2012-Current)
Minority Caucus
Board of Governors Representative (2013)
Education Committee (2016-2019)
Scholarship Committee (2016-2019)
Solo and Small Firm Section (2010-Current; Education Coordinator 2011-2012; Secretary 2012-2013; Vice-Chair 2013-2014; Chair Elect 2014- 2015; Chair 2015-2016)
Nursing Home Litigation Group (2014-Current; Secretary 2015-2016, Treasurer 2016 to 2017)
Section Leaders Council (2014-2018); Vice-Chair 2014-2018)
AAJ Political Action Committee “M” Club (2006-2007, 2010-Current)
National Finance Council (2011-2014, 2016-Current)
Leadership Academy (2013)
Retirement Plans Oversight Committee (2011-2012)
New Lawyers Division Board of Governors (2005-07); Publications Committee (2005-2007), Chairperson (2006-07); Board of Governors Committee Chairperson (2006-2007); Special Projects Committee Chairperson (2010-2011)
President’s Club (2005-2007)
Kentucky Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA) (2024-Current)
Vice President (2024-Current)
Kentucky Justice Association (2000-Current)
Board of Governors (2011-Current)
District Vice-President (2013-2015)
KJA Delegate to AAJ Board of Governors (2014 – 2017)
Minority Caucus Delegate to AAJ (2012 – 2014)
CLE Committee (2011-Current; Co-Chair, 2012 – 2016)
Convention Committee (2012-Current)
Proactive Legislation Committee (2007, 2011 – Current)
Louisville Bar Association (2000-Current)
Solo and Small Firm Practice Committee (Vice-chair 2006)
Southern Trial Lawyers Association (2007-Current)
Board of Governors (2015-Current)
Parliamentarian (2016-2017, Secretary 2017-2018, Treasurer 2018-2019), Vice-President (2019-2010), President Elect (2020-Current)
American Bar Association (2000-Current)
Kentucky Bar Association (2000-Current)
New York State Trial Lawyers Association (2017-Current)
Illinois Trial Lawyers Association (2018-Current)
Chicago Bar Association (2018-Current)
Illinois Bar Association (2018-Current)
National Crime Victims Bar Association (2014-Current)
Federal Bar Association (2016-2019)
Good Counsel: First Steps Back; American Justice Association, Trial, Vol. 56 No. 11, November 2020.
Decoding Cyber Security; American Justice Association, Trial, Vol. 53 No. 3, March 2017.
Your Technology Filing Cabinet; Kentucky Justice Association, Advocate, Vol. 44 No. 6, November/December 2016.
What is Wrong with my Website?; Kentucky Justice Association, Advocate, Vol. 44 No. 6, November/December 2016.
Your Technology Filing Cabinet; American Justice Association, Trial, Vol. 52 No. 4, April 2016.
Protective Orders: A Comprehensive Approach to stonewalling; Kentucky Justice Association, Advocate, Vol. 43 No. 3, May/June 2015.
All the Apps You Need for Depositions; American Justice Association, Trial, Vol. 51 No. 3, March 2015.
The Ethics of Social Media; Kentucky Justice Association, Advocate, Vol. 42 No. 4, July/August 2014.
Effective Use of Technology in the Courtroom; Kentucky Bar Association, Bench and Bar, Vol. 78 No. 4, July 2014.
The Ethics of Social Media; American Justice Association, Trial, Vol. 50 No. 1, January 2014.
Ethical Cloud Computing; Louisville Bar Association, Bar Briefs, October 2013.
The Ethics of Cloud Computing; Kentucky Justice Association, The Advocate, Vol. 40 No. 9, May/June 2013.
Top 10 iPad Apps for Lawyers; Louisville Bar Association, Bar Briefs, December 2012.
The Ethics of Social Media; Kentucky Justice Association, The Advocate, Vol. 40 No. 6, November/December 2012.
The Ethics of Cloud Computing; American Association for Justice, Solo Small Firm Newsletter, Vol. 18 No. 1, Winter 2012.
Mobile Technology; Kentucky Justice Association, The Advocate, May/June 2012.
Going Mobile; American Association for Justice, Trial, January 2012.
Another Thing They Didn’t Teach You in Law School – Client Development; Louisville Bar Association Bar Briefs, Nov. 2007.
Truck Accident Litigation (2nd ed.) American Bar Association, Essential Actions: Preserving the Evidence, (2006).
Returning the Scales to Balance: Execution Impact Evidence In Kentucky, Northern Kentucky Law Review, Vol. 27(2) 2000, pg. 411-429.
Trying Cases During Covid 19; Tennessee Trial Lawyers, Webinar, October 19, 2020
Trying Cases During Covid 19; Mississippi Association for Justice, Webinar, October 15, 2020
Litigating the Nursing Home Choking Case; New Jersey Association for Justice, Boardwalk Virtual Convention, August 7, 2020
Jury Verdict All-Stars: Moore v. Superior Care Home; Kentucky Justice Association, Webinar, June 30, 2020
Lessons from Covid-19; Mel Belli Society, Webinar, June 10, 2020
Social Media: What You Absolutely Need to Know; Mel Belli Society, Webinar, April 8, 2020
Remote Work During Covid-19; American Association for Justice, Webinar, March 17, 2020
Weekend With the Stars: Ethical Considerations When Adding New Technology to Your Office (Ethics); American Association for Justice, New York, NY, December 7, 2020
Auto Negligence Seminar – Defeating Causation Defenses; Maryland Association for Justice, Baltimore, MD, November 11, 2019
Depositions College – Dealing with Difficult Attorneys (Ethics); Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, November 7-8, 2019
Depositions College – Dealing with Difficult Attorneys (Ethics); American Association for Justice, Chicago, IL September 18-21, 2019
AAJ Essentials of Trial Advocacy College: Conducting Voir Dire; American Association for Justice, Salt Lake City, UT, March 7, 2019.
Defeating Causation Defense; American Association for Justice, Winter Convention, Miami, FL, February 2, 2019.
Kentucky Justice Association – Leadership Academy; Kentucky Justice Association, Lexington, KY, November 2, 2018.
Ethics of Legal Marketing; American Association for Justice, Annual Convention, Denver, CO, July 8, 2018.
Social Media Discovery; Louisville Law Library, Louisville, KY, June 27, 2018.
The Ethics of Social Media; Idaho Trial Lawyers Association, Sun Valley, ID, June 22, 2018.
Social Media and the Impact on Clients; Wyoming Trial Lawyers Association, Cody, WY, June 21, 2018.
Ethics of Law Office Technology; Tennessee Trial Lawyers Association, Memphis, TN, June 14, 2018.
Using iPads in the Office and the Courtroom; Illinois Trial Lawyers Association, Chicago, IL, June 8, 2018.
Paperless Offices and iPads; Michigan Association for Justice, May 21, 2018.
iPads at Trial: High Tech, Low Cost; Ohio Association for Justice, Columbus, OH, May 3, 2018.
Paperless Offices and iPads; Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association, Eureka Springs, AR, April 27, 2018.
Mystique, Decadence, and Debutantes: Social Media as Evidence at Trial; Louisiana Association for Justice and Louisiana Judicial College, New Orleans, LA, March 16, 2018.
Ethical Considerations of Cloud Computing and Keeping Client Information Secure; American Association for Justice, Maui, HI, February 6, 2018.
Tech Tips and Tricks for Working Smarter; Mississippi Association for Justice, Jackson, MS, December 14, 2017.
Picking the Daily Double: Learn How Facebook and Twitter Can Help Grow Your Practice; American Association for Justice Day-at-the-Races, Louisville, KY, November 10, 2017.
Top 10 Technology Tools for Your Law Firm; Washington Association for Justice, Vancouver, BC, August, 5, 2017.
Depositions College; American Association for Justice, Minneapolis, MN June 22-25, 2017.
The Paperless Practitioner; Kentucky Bar Association Annual Convention, Owensboro, KY, June 21, 2017.
Top 10 Technology Tools for Your Law Firm; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, May 22, 2017.
iPads for Lawyers & Paraprofessionals: Set-Up, Pre-Trial & Trial; Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association/Civil Justice Foundation, Orange, CT, May 5, 2017.
MDS Forms: Where the Information Comes From; New Jersey Association for Justice, Atlantic City, NJ, April 26, 2017.
The Paperless Practitioner; New Jersey Association for Justice, Atlantic City, NJ, April 26, 2017.
iPad from the Office through Trial; Virginia Trial Lawyers Association, The Greenbrier, White Sulphur Springs, WV, April 1, 2017.
Social Media Discovery in 2016; Northern Kentucky Inns of Court, Highland Heights, KY, November 17, 2016.
Cost Saving Technologies for the Law Office; Kentucky Justice Association, (Webinar), November 1, 2016.
Combating Arbitration in Nursing Home Litigation; American Association for Justice, Santa Fe, NM, October 28, 2016.
What’s Wrong With My Website; American Association for Justice, (Webinar), September 8, 2016.
Trial Technology; South Carolina Association for Justice, Hilton Head, SC, August 4, 2016.
Update on Trial Technology; Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys, Branson, MO, June 26, 2016.
Law Practice in the Digital Age; American Association for Justice, Chicago, IL, May 23, 2016.
Top 10 Technology Tools for Your Law Firm; American Association for Justice, Chicago, IL, May 23, 2016.
Presenting Demonstrative Evidence in Nursing Home Trials; American Association for Justice, Nashville, TN, May 19, 2016.
Ethics of Social Media Marketing; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, May 16, 2016.
Paperless Depositions; Louisiana Association for Justice, New Orleans, LA, March 11, 2016.
Using Social Media to Expand Your Practice; American Association for Justice, Boca Raton, FL, February 26, 2016.
Technology in Practice and in the Courtroom; American Association for Justice, Washington, DC, October 29-30, 2015.
The Paperless Practitioner; Kentucky Bar Association Annual Convention, Lexington, KY, June 18, 2015.
iPads for Lawyers & Paraprofessionals: Set-Up, Pre-Trial & Trial; Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association/Civil Justice Foundation, Orange, CT, May 16-17, 2015.
iPads for Lawyers – From Setup To Pre-Trial and Trial; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, May 12, 2015.
iPads for Depositions; Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association, Annual Convention, Eureka Springs, AR, April 30, 2015.
Intake The Works; Southern Trial Lawyers Association, Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA, February 12, 2015.
Paperless Office: iPads and Apps for Lawyers; West Virginia Association for Justice, Charleston, WV, January 23, 2015.
Advanced Depositions College; American Association for Justice, New Orleans, LA, January 16-19. 2015.
Social Media Update: Ethical Issues in 2014; Oklahoma Association for Justice, Oklahoma City, OK, November 21, 2014.
Paperless Office: iPads and Apps for Lawyers; Oklahoma Association for Justice, Oklahoma City, OK, November 21, 2014.
The New Law Firm Model – Technology for Lawyers; Dallas County Bar Association, Dallas, TX, November 5, 2014.
iPad for Litigators; Louisville Bar Association, Louisville, KY, October 31, 2014.
Cloud Computing: Technical and Legal Ethics; American Association for Justice, Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, July 29, 2014.
Why Our Intake Works – What is it? What is the content? How to use the information?; American Association for Justice, Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD, July 26, 2014.
Working with Expert Witnesses: Avoiding Pitfalls; Office of the Kentucky Attorney General, Frankfort, KY, June 13, 2014.
iPads for Lawyers & Paraprofessionals: Set-Up, Pre-Trial & Trial; Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association/Civil Justice Foundation, Orange, CT, May 16, 2014.
iPads and More: Tech for Lawyers in 2014; Ohio Association for Justice, Columbus, OH; May 8, 2014.
iPads for Lawyers – From Setup To Pre-Trial and Trial; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, February 21, 2014.
iPads for Lawyers; New Orleans Bar Association, New Orleans, LA, December 12, 2013.
iPads at Trial: Litigating Nursing Home Cases; American Association for Justice, Las Vegas, NV, November 14-15, 2013.
iPads for Lawyers, Setup, Pre-Trial and Trial; Kentucky Justice Association, Bowling Green, KY, October 22, 2013.
Trial Advocacy College: Essentials of Civil Litigation; American Association for Justice, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, October 7, 2013 to October 10, 2013.
Taking Your Office to the Cloud: Exploring the Latest Technology to Enhance Your Practice; American Association for Justice Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, July 22, 2013.
Wireless Office: The Cloud and Document Storage and Backup; American Association for Justice Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA, July 20, 2013.
Technology in the Courtroom; Kentucky Bar Association Annual Convention, Louisville. KY, June 20, 2013.
iPad at Trial; Tennessee Association for Justice Annual Convention, Nashville, TN, June 14, 2013.
iPad Pre-Trial (Webinar); Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, June 5, 2013.
Ethics of Social Media (Teleseminar); Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, June 5, 2013.
iPads for Lawyers & Paraprofessionals: Set-Up, Pre-Trial & Trial; Connecticut Trial Lawyers Association/Civil Justice Foundation, Orange, CT, May 17, 2013.
iPad at Trial; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, March 22, 2013.
iPads and Apps for Lawyers: Depositions and Client Meetings; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, February 22, 2013.
iPads Out of the Box – Basic iPad for Lawyers; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, January 25, 2013.
iPads 2: What’s New in Tech for Lawyers; Ohio Association for Justice, Columbus, OH; January 24, 2013.
The Ethics of Social Media and Cloud Computing; American Association for Justice “Weekend with the Stars,” New York, NY, December 7, 2012.
iPad Pre-Trial and Ethics in Social Media: Identifying the Pitfalls of the Communication Revolution; Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, Indianapolis, IN, October 18, 2012.
iPad at Trial; Indiana Trial Lawyers Association, Indianapolis, IN, October 18, 2012.
iPad for Litigators; Louisville Bar Association, Louisville, KY, September 21, 2012.
Cloud Computing: Is the Sky Really the Limit?; American Association for Justice Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, July 31, 2012.
Social Media: Identifying the Ethical Pitfalls of the Communications Revolution; American Association for Justice Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, July 29, 2012.
Paperless Office: iPads and Apps for Lawyers; American Association for Justice Annual Convention, Chicago, IL, July 29, 2012.
Social Media: Identifying the Ethical Pitfalls of the Communications Revolution; Oklahoma Association for Justice, Incline Village, NV, June 22, 2012.
Paperless Office: iPads and Apps for Lawyers; Oklahoma Association for Justice, Incline Village, NV, June 22, 2012.
Social Media: Identifying the Ethical Pitfalls of the Communications Revolution; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, June 19, 2012.
iPads at Trial; El Paso Trial Lawyers Association, El Paso, TX, June 14, 2012.
iPads at Trial; Permian Basin Trial Lawyers Association, Odessa, TX, June 13, 2012.
iPads at Trial; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, May 8, 2012.
Not Just a Toy: iPads and Other Tech for Lawyers; Ohio Association for Justice Annual Convention, Columbus, OH; May 4, 2012.
iPads and Apps for Lawyers: Depositions and Client Meetings; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, March 20, 2012.
Paperless Office: iPads and Apps for Lawyers; PILMMA Spring Marketing and Management Summit, New Orleans, LA, March 16-17, 2012.
Avoiding Ethical Traps Webinar: Opposing Counsel and the Role of Social Media; American Association for Justice, Webinar, December 19, 2011.
Social Media: Identifying the Ethical Pitfalls of the Communications Revolution; Louisville Bar Association, Louisville, KY, October 28, 2011.
Paperless Offices, iPads and Apps for Lawyers; Louisiana Association for Justice Personal Injury Conference, New Orleans, LA, September 16, 2011.
American Association for Justice Annual Convention: Litigation Track: Apps for Lawyers; American Association for Justice Annual Convention, New York, NY, July, 2011.
Using Technology in Your Practice, Paperless office – A Practical Guide to the Digital Law Firm; Kentucky Justice Association, Louisville, KY, June 12, 2011.
American Association for Justice Jazz Fest Auto Litigation Seminar: Using Technology in Your Cases/Practice: Practical Technology for the Solo Practitioner; New Orleans, LA, April 28, 2011.
Basic Training for County Attorneys: Prosecutorial Ethics, Immunity and Open Records/Open Meetings; Kentucky Prosecutor’s Advisory Council, December 1, 2010.
E-Discovery for State Government Attorneys; Kentucky Legislative Research Commission, July 25, 2008.
Money Traps for Lawyers; Kentucky Bar Association, October 9, 2007.
Leveling the Playing Field: The Use of Technology in the Courtroom and the Office; Louisville Bar Association, June 15, 2007.
American Association for Justice: Litigating Trucking Cases – From Discovery to Trial: Using Black Box Data to Prove Your Theory of the Case; Caesars Las Vegas, October 20-21, 2006
American Association for Justice: Fundamentals of Trucking Litigation – Preservation of Evidence in Trucking Cases; St. Louis, MO., September 19, 2006
Starting Your Solo or Small Firm Practice, Salmon P. Chase College of Law, April 12, 2006
Negotiation: The New Art of War, Louisville Bar Association, Feb. 24, 2005
Library Foundation – Louisville Free Public Library
(2006-2019; Investments and Finance Committee Jan. 2009-2014; Advocacy Committee 2014-2019)
Louisville Free Public Library Advisory Commission
(2007-2015); Executive Committee (2008-2015); Chair (Nov. 2008-Nov. 2015); Co-Chair Executive Director Search Committee (2014-15)
Kentucky Family Safety Foundation
(Board of Trustees 2015-2019)
Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention Board
(Chair – 2010-2011)
Friends of the Louisville Free Public Library
Executive Board (2004-2008); President (2006-2008);
Vice President (2005-2006)
Louisville Bar Association Leadership Academy
Inaugural Class (2006)